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Professional Team Members
Ismaeel Friedman
Sarah Singleton
Lawson Nguyen
Sienna Holman
Ross Mcconnell
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CEEWABA is founded to offer business leaders and entrepreneurs from the CEE and West Africa the opportunity to uncover new joint business opportunities and to growing and expanding collaborative businesses ventures. The Association accomplishes this primary aim through value-added, peer-to-peer interactions, knowledge dissemination, and continuous upgrading of professional capabilities.
- CEEWABA offers a multifaceted platform for trade and investment discovery and development among its members and assists in market access through networking.
- Members also have the benefit of participating and speaking at any of CEEWABA’s professional events. The Association also holds specially designed networking events for members and the public to create meaningful interaction opportunities.
Through its mentoring, diverse events, educational activities, knowledge-dissemination efforts, and its own operations as a best-in-class role model, the Association aims to improve the quality of business leadership and thereby strengthen CEE-West African business ties.
The Association aims to increase the potential of business relationships between the two regions by allowing members to jointly discover opportunities and to brainstorm and develop relevant and innovative approaches to succeed in this emerging business setting. This is especially carried out through CEEWABA’s various trade and investment events, including seminars, conferences, and education forums.
- CEEWABA aims to be a respected source of the most distinguished academic research and knowledge relevant to business trade and investment environments involving both the Central-Eastern European and West African regions. To accomplish this goal, the Association works in collaboration with leading Business Schools and academic institutions in both regions, as well as to regularly publish and cite key business articles.
- The Association also continuously disseminates updated business and investment information related to the CEE-West African business environment.
CEEWABA is dedicated to social responsibility, including improving sustainability, economic opportunity and equity, access to technology, and healthcare quality. Particularly important, the Association aims to encourage especially among young budding business leaders and entrepreneurs across the two regions to act in a socially responsible manner